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Project QUEST

An Effective Practice


Project QUEST provides comprehensive support and resources to help low-income individuals enroll full-time in occupational training programs at local community colleges, complete the training, pass certification exams, and enter well-paying careers in high-growth sectors of the local economy (hence, the program is sometimes described as a “sectoral” training program). In the study described below, the program focused on jobs in the healthcare sector. Major components of the program are: required full-time enrollment in a college occupational training program that QUEST is partnered with, required weekly group or individual counseling sessions, financial assistance for tuition and other school-related expenses, and remedial instruction for those requiring it. The program costs approximately $11,700 per participant. (All dollar amounts shown in this summary are constant 2017 dollars.)

Goal / Mission

Project QUEST strengthens the economy and transforms lives by preparing individuals for in-demand, living wage careers.

Results / Accomplishments

In 27 years of service, 7700+ participants were served. There was a 90% placement rate, 230% increase in wages, and $19.32 ROI in five years for every $1.00 invested.

About this Promising Practice

Project Quest
Primary Contact
David J. Zammiello, Executive Director, Project Quest
800 Quintana Rd., Bldg 8
San Antonio, TX 78211
(210) 630-4690
Community / Social Environment
Project Quest
Geographic Type
San Antonio, TX
For more details
Target Audience
Healthy Alameda County