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Go Sun Smart

An Evidence-Based Practice


Go Sun Smart is a workplace intervention that aims to reduce ultraviolet radiation (UVR) from sunlight among ski area employees. Snow, ice and altitude intensify the effects of UVR and thus place ski area employees at heightened risk for skin cancer. Lifetime exposure to UVR from sunlight is positively associated with many types of skin cancer and is the most preventable cause of skin cancer.

The Go Sun Smart program includes a six-unit training program for employees of ski areas, administered by the employees' supervisors. The objective is to have employees conceptualize their personal risk for skin cancer and to learn tactics for incorporating sun protection into their daily work routine. Messages about sun protection are delivered to employees through many media sources. Free gifts are given out to employees who participate (e.g. wide-brimmed hats, sun block dispensers) and employees are encourage to utilize the website,, to access more resources about skin cancer and sun protection.

Goal / Mission

The mission of Go Sun Smart is to reduce the risk of skin cancer among ski area employees and, specifically, to reduce the number of sun burns employees incur.

Results / Accomplishments

The Go Sun Smart intervention was implemented between January and April of 2002 at 13 ski resorts in the United States and Canada; 13 resorts, matched on geography, size and other attributes served as control resorts. In March of 2002, 4,007 randomly selected employees who participated in either Go Sun Smart or the control group completed a survey. The survey found employees at the ski areas where the intervention was implemented reported a 14% reduction in sunburns while skiing or snowboarding (from 46% before Go Sun Smart to 32% after). This decline was significantly greater (p<0.05) than the 8% decline observed in the control ski areas (49% before to 41% at after).

About this Promising Practice

National Cancer Institute
Primary Contact
Go Sun Smart

1667 Cole Boulevard
Suite No. 225

Golden, CO 8040
Health / Cancer
Environmental Health / Toxins & Contaminants
National Cancer Institute
Research-tested Intervention Programs
Date of publication
For more details
Target Audience
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Healthy Alameda County